Joining Felipe Cofiño and Sumana Jeddy, MPH �for the Workplace Wellness Hour. The topic will be...The dual role collision - parental & professional burnout & how we can navigate it within the workplace & at home. Three Creators, Three Platforms, Three Audiences, One very important topic. Burnout, both Professional & Parental.
Could the lack of support you receive at work contribute to burnout within your home & workplace? A recent cross-sectional study in JAMA investigated parental leave policies in 90 medical schools ranked by US News & World Report.* Key findings revealed that of the 87 medical schools had available parental leave policies:
Nearly half provided no paid leave for birth (37 schools [42%])*
Similarly, no paid leave for Non-birth (38 schools [44%]) parents*
Additionally, medical schools offered no paid parental leave for adoptive 35 (40%) & foster 65 (75%) parents.*
You would probably agree that when you experience intense stress coupled with a lack of support within your workplace, it can start to trickle into your household. The reverse could also be true. A parent’s employment can impact a child’s wellbeing, particularly low-wage workers which are the largest group of employed parents in the United States.**How can we strengthen the support provided in both work & home environments?
These topics & more will be discussed in detail. All are welcome to join us, share your insights, ask questions or listen & learn.
Live on LinkedIn, TikTok, and Instagram.
Special Guest: Shelley Kemmerer PA-C, MCHS, Founder of Run Tell Mom
#parentalburnout #workplacewellness #workplacewellbeing #momburnout #jobburnout #tiredparent #workingparent #workingmom